
Three letters, one symbol

Thought Leadership, Found Objects

Milton Glaser, the towering figure of 20th-century graphic design, used his materials sparingly, saying no more—and no less—than what is needed. I love NY is a master class in economy: using the least amount of space to achieve the most impact. Characteristic of Glaser’s work, it is both a first-person declaration and a universally humanistic sentiment. Glaser, who died in June at the age of 91, is an enduring source of inspiration in our studio. “There are three responses to a piece of design,” he once said: “yes, no, and WOW!” At its best, design can reveal meaning, strengthen a purpose, build power. That is the “wow” towards which we at Ummo are ever striving.

Brand with purpose at ABX

Thought Leadership, Events

At ArchitectureBoston Expo (ABX) 2020, Ummo will get to share our thoughts on the topic we care most deeply about. Join us at a workshop, moderated by our Philip Barash, entitled “Brand with Purpose: The Creative Economy Finds Its Voice” on Wednesday November 4, 1:30 – 3:00 pm. We are stoked to be joined by our favorite fellow-branders from Moth and Gensler, as well as friends from the Boston Center for the Arts and MAAM, the new museum at MassArts.

Olympic treasures

Thought Leadership, Found Objects

Four years before Deborah Sussman made “supergraphics” a household term (at least in Ummo’s household), the 1980 Moscow Olympiad created an idealized vision of the Soviet city. We came across an original set of posters and postcards in our ceaseless search for inspiration, and have been in a state of creative collusion ever since.